
8 Steps to Help You Achieve Your Goals

1) Write your goals down. Remember- “if you’re failing to plan, you’re planning to fail.” Handwrite them first and then put them on a word doc. Your brain will process the goals differently if you engage your motor skills. It’s like writing them on your brain.

2) Prioritize and categorize. Always list what you do want.

3) Keep your goals visible. Post them in a few different areas where you will see them several times a day.

4) Be accountable. Share your goals with your family and your best friend.Accountability helps you stay the course.

5) Review your goals periodically. As weeks and months go by, scrutinize your goals. Your circumstances may change in any number of ways throughout the year. Update individual goals or eliminate those that are no longer essential.

6) Reward yourself for achieving each goal. Upon accomplishing a well-earned goal, treat yourself with something you’ve wanted. Maybe it’s a new pair of shoes or lunch out at your favorite restaurant. Maybe it’s making a donation to the charity of your choice. Celebrate your accomplishments.

7) Rework goals that seem too difficult to reach. If you find a goal that seems impossible to initiate, re-write that goal in a way that makes achievement possible.

8) Be a goal-setter for life. It’s never too late to start, or, to start over.

By Following these steps, you will be more likely to achieve whatever you set your mind on!

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