Relationship Lifeline Will Change Your Life

Most people probably think going to an intense, experiential, aggressive, hands-on marriage seminar is only for people whose marriage is in trouble. In fact, while recently attending the 40-hour seminar we discovered that most of the couples (besides us) were on the brink of divorce and this was their last resort. Imagine the glares of doubt and disbelief we got when we were each asked separately to rate our marriage on a scale of 1-10, and we both rated ourselves a “9.” It took about 20 hours for people to trust us after that first exercise.

We have many years of experience leading seminars, attending seminars, and giving and receiving individual counseling and coaching. We’ve been asked and called to help save marriages and a next step was attending this Relationship Lifeline seminar. After all, we have influence over many, so we always strive to be as healthy as possible in order to be more effective when helping people through their struggles.  We were intentional about attending this intense 40-hour seminar, prepared to answer some tough questions and take our own mental and emotional health to the next level.

 In Orange County, California the divorce rate for 1st marriage is a very grim 72%. The rest of the nation is right behind. Failed marriages affect children and children are our future. Children become victims of two people’s failure. People who didn’t have the tools necessary to make their marriage work.

After one night and three long, very emotional days, I can tell you that Relationship Lifeline is the best tool out there for healing your marriage and yourself and recovering from whatever holds you back from being the person God created you to be. It will save your marriage and your family.

If you or someone you know needs help with their marriage, email us at

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