Maybe you’ve heard, “holding on to anger or resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die?”
Anger and unforgiveness does nothing to benefit us as individuals but we’re all guilty of holding on to it, at least once in a while. Learning to forgive is essential to overall health yet many people neglect the act of forgiveness, instead grasping on to the belief that they are somehow punishing the person they are angry at. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many times, the person who has hurt or angered us doesn’t even know we are angry. The guilty party could even be someone from your past that is no longer living.
If you forgive someone that doesn’t mean you forget how they hurt or offended you, and it doesn’t mean you resolve your differences or ever have to see that person again. Especially if they’ve done something that has put your mental or physical safety at risk, as in cases of abuse. No way does that person deserve to have a relationship with you. Forgiveness and reconciliation are two different things entirely.
We forgive because it helps us heal. It is a deep understanding that what someone did to us will not affect us going forward. If it does then this means that we’ve allowed it, no matter how painful or wrong the offense is. It never excuses what the other person does. Sometimes we need to forgive a person who has passed away and although it’s not easy, it can be done. You can experience freedom and peace, and a better life going forward if you learn and practice the act of forgiveness.
If you need help forgiving you can email us at and we will point you in the right direction.